WOAH!!! hai there xD
you may be wondering what this is! essentially, this is a blast from the past, aka the 90s through the early 2000s! i've fallen in love with early internet culture. i love the anti-cringe, anti-algorithm space that it once created. imo, we need to go back! so here we are - or at least, a recreation of it. feel free to explore any of the links above :3
this website is hand-coded, which means it took me hours upon hours across several days to put it together. i had to bug fix, test, and search for every element myself. i think it came out pretty well - i love it so much!! however, this is only the intro page. there's so much more to explore along with blog posts to read!! if you have any questions, feel free to email me at the feedback tab located in the navigator.
so, who am i? well my name is augustine leon, but you can call me any shortened variant of that. for more information about myself, my interests, and other things, please click the "about" link above! if you want my socials to follow or reach out, click the socials link, and for feedback, there's a form in the feedback link. the last link is for advertising my current writing project :)
feel free to look at the various blinkies, stamps, and buttons to the sides!
- other cool websites!! -
emotional.codes - a collection of links for emotion processing
MelonLand Forum - an OldWeb-style forum
Purrli - Listen to a cat purr!
The 88x31 Gif Collection - Buttons from the 90s and 2000s